Cisco Firepower Implementation Project


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Phase 1 – Firepower Implementation
Physical installation of the Firepower
Configured the licensing
Adopted to the FMC
Upgrade all Firepower
Upgrade FMC
Configure all default gateways on the firepower with Allow All Rule
Isolate Guest network
Migrate the existing ASA Firepower config to the new Firepower
Tests and problem fixes

Phase 2 – Replace the ASAv
Migrate the ASAv config to the new Firepower
Create the ASAv on AWS
Create a testing server behind the ASAv
Migrate the license from Optimus to AWS Vistual ASA
Tests and problem fixes

Phase 3 – Configure VPNs from AWS to all Turia Locations
Turia Medellín
Beaumont Wire
South Carolina
Tests and problem fixes

Phase 4 – Migrate PRTG to AWS
Verify licensing Migration process
Configure AWS PRTG Server
Configure Optimus Local Probe
Tests and problem fixes


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